1. Fund size, annualized return and cumulative return data are as at 31 Jan 2025. All return data are net of fees. There will also be some time lag between changes in risk class, fund risk indicator data and fund expense ratio and its inclusion in this platform. To obtain the most recent information, users should contact the relevant trustee or sponsor of the scheme.
2. The leftmost and the rightmost sides of each line represent the minimum and maximum returns of a fund type/fund category respectively.
3. Subject to the launch date of each constituent fund, only constituent funds with available performance data are included in the chart.
4. Risk Class is independent of and an addition to the pre-existing risk rating scales developed with a number of different methodologies currently adopted by some MPF trustees themselves (Pre-existing Risk Scales). Unlike the Risk Class which is standardized across all trustees, schemes and Constituent Funds, these Pre-existing Risk Scales may not be comparable among different trustees or schemes.
5. The annualized returns will only be presented for funds that have investment track records of not less than 1 year; and the cumulative returns will only be presented for funds that have investment track records of not less than 6 months.
6. Some pieces of information, such as Fund Expense Ratio, are historical in that they are based on data from the previous financial period. The figures will not reflect any increases or decreases in fees, charges or expenses in the current financial period.
7. Direct comparison of the performance between constituent funds for guaranteed funds, uncategorized equity fund, uncategorized bond fund or uncategorized mixed assets fund may not be meaningful as the constituent funds may not have similar features.
8. For more information about factors to consider when making investment fund choices, please go to Making Informed Decisions for your MPF Life.